Lesson 10 – Using Symmetry To Unlock The Unknown
“Reality favors symmetry”
Jorge Luis Borges
Using the symmetry contained within the Arc of Creation, we can correlate the qualities of the left (descent) side with the right (ascent) side and begin to project unknown elements that allow us to begin building a cosmology of the evolution of consciousness. Symmetry is one of the most important concepts used by scientists (mathematicians, physicists, etc) to come up with proof for their work.
The Arc describes the movement of consciousness and its evolution within the seven kingdoms through time. Time is a key factor that allows us to form the Arc and the resulting correlations that appear end up building a formal system in which consciousness can be identified, qualified, and mapped through time.
Quantum physicists use symmetry (or lack thereof) to come up with expansions of their own cosmological models. In art, history shows us that symmetry appears whenever a particular art form is beginning to deteriorate. We can use the change in symmetry we find between two kingdoms to determine when we are moving from a prior kingdom and into a new one. We can also use symmetry to project qualities of one kingdom onto it’s opposing kingdom that exists on the other side of the Arc For example, the 1st kingdom and 7th kingdom directly correlate with each other when we compare the qualities of light with that of human consciousness.
If we want to establish hidden meaning that we were previously unaware of regarding human consciousness, we only need to look at the scientific knowledge of the qualities of light and use matching and correlating symmetry to project or prove characteristics contained within human consciousness. Through symmetry we can compare and contrast the seven kingdoms on both sides of the Arc and their 7 sub-stages at these same levels. As we do, we can assemble a cosmological model that expresses as much as we can currently know at the first and seventh levels.
Thus our understanding of light and human consciousness depends upon the qualities we see within both of these two kingdoms as well as the qualities we uncover within the first and seventh levels of each of the other five kingdoms and their sub-stages (particles – 1st and 7th sub-stages, atoms – 1st and 7th sub-stages, molecules – 1st and 7th sub-stages, plants – 1st and 7th sub-stages, and animals – 1st and 7th sub-stages).
The interesting thing about this projective ability is that within each kingdom, we find seven sub-stages of development that are similar to the original development within the seven kingdoms yet some kingdoms reveal themselves better than others and science has made greater progress in some over others. Some kingdoms (i.e. that of atoms) are very defined and fully researched and we can our existing knowledge contained within this kingdom to project the qualities of the opposing kingdom on the other side of the arc (i.e. that of plants).
As a result, both sides of the arc for each of these two kingdoms becomes very definable and our knowledge extremely well founded. When we then move to these same two positions within another kingdoms seven sub-stages, we can project what we find within these two kingdom positions and thus establish a firm foundation for that kingdom. However, we don’t know as much about the kingdom of particles and hence we will find it more difficult to attain high levels of correlation with their opposing kingdom, that of animals.
The kingdom that we are most interested in of course is that of our own, the seventh kingdom that we label human. If we know a lot about atoms and plants, we can use that knowledge to project previously unknown or hidden qualities about the 3rd and 5th kingdoms of human evolution (that of the ego – 3rd and creative genius – 5th).
To fully understand the human kingdom, however, we need to first understand as much as we can about all of the other six kingdoms and their seven sub-stages. We can then use symmetry to build information we are trying to uncover related to the human kingdom. From the information we gather, we can then summarize and project qualities unto the human kingdom (using symmetry and other tools) and begin to “ring out” a better understanding of where we have come from, where we are, and to where we should ideally be headed. I will share this process in detail in a latter lesson. For now, try to follow what I’m sharing. It really is important!
What is most interesting is that humanity’s position on the Arc currently is at the ¾ point of “The Turn”. The Turn resides at the very bottom of the Arc in Kingdom 4. The 3/4 point is where freewill comes into play and is where human consciousness must make an individual “turn” from how it’s leading life (that’s not working well) to a new and better method. This is the only place in our entire evolution where we must change direction to move forward. All other positions on the Arc take care of themselves in due time. This one doesn’t. You must make a sacrifice and give up something to make the required change and this change is made one person at a time.
We know a tremendous amount about the kingdom of molecules (both the inorganic and organic sides) and our next level of development is to be experienced within the next and 5th kingdom, that of plants which opposes the kingdom of atoms. Both of these kingdoms are well researched and understood through the scientific process and consequently when we attempt to identify and form our ideal collective vision for the future, we will know without a doubt not only where we are at the moment and why we are in the condition that we are, but we will also be able to prove out, our most immediate future steps that must be taken to move our society in the proper direction.
Because our future positive evolution is far out in time (within the timeframe of the 6th and 7th substages of our development) it might be more difficult to understand using this comparative process. Yet, there exists a real and definite possibility that if enough of us learn the new language involved and begin to realize the significance of what I’m sharing with you, we will successfully make it through “The Turn”.
This particular time period that I call The Turn is the most scientifically provable and determinable placement on the entire Arc. It is no coincidence that we have labeled our current time as the Information Age and we now clearly see that this position is changing dramatically and must give way to a whole new way of “seeing” things beyond. just collecting information. We are moving from using our rational logical mind where everything is defined clearly by law. In its place, we are being challenged to learn how to fully depend upon our intuition and internal voice (that really comes from The Purposiveness) to guide us during this critical moment of time, this period of change I call The Turn.
The Use Of Symmetry In The Sciences
In mathematics and physics, symmetry has a more precise meaning. It can be defined as an immunity to change. “Namely you do a certain operation and something does not change, you call that a symmetry”
This definition takes into account bilateral symmetry but it also includes other symmetries as well:
Time translation symmetry: Physical laws do not change with time.
Translational symmetry: The laws of physics are the same whether they are acting in our solar system or at the far end of the universe.
Rotational symmetry: The laws of physics don’t change if we turn around.
These symmetries are crucial for understanding science, especially physics. If the laws of nature were not symmetrical, there would be no hope of ever discovering them. In a universe where the natural laws were not symmetrical, experimental results might change depending on where and when and in what direction an experiment was performed.
Symmetry is so integral to the way the universe works that Albert Einstein used it as a guiding principle when he devised his General Theory of Relativity.
We call a relation symmetric if every time the relation stands from A to B, it stands too from B to A.
Patterns in nature are visible regularities of form found in the natural world. These patterns recur in different contexts and are modeled mathematically. Natural patterns include symmetries, trees, spirals, meanders, waves, foams, arrays, cracks and stripes. Early Greek philosophers studied pattern, with Plato, Pythagoras and Empedocles attempting to explain order in nature. The modern understanding of visible patterns developed gradually over time.
The Definition of Symmetry From Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, symmetry is defined as follows:
“Symmetry is a characteristic feature of geometrical shapes, systems, equations, and other real or conceptual objects – typically, in which one half of the object appears to be a reflection (i.e., a “mirror”) of the other half. In formal terms, we say that an object is symmetric with respect to a given mathematical operation, if, when applied to the object, this operation does not change the object or its appearance.
Two objects are symmetric to each other with respect to a given group of operations if one is obtained from the other by some of the operations (and vice versa). Symmetries may also be found in living organisms including humans and other animals.”