Consider Joining A New Gnostic Society That Is Now Forming

No matter how deep our “seeing” or how penetrating our scientific explorations into the realm of the unknown, we have not come any closer to being able to unravel the human being’s most tantalizing mystery – the purpose of life. Today, more than ever, the lack of a significant answer to the question of the purpose of life is at the very core of humanity’s current unrest.

We’ve plunged deep into the depth of the material realm and are beginning to realize that satisfaction and meaning in life do not come from acquiring more possessions. It comes from something very different and up to this point in time, a quality that has been very evasive and hard to define.

Science has become our primary means for unraveling the mysteries of life and over the years, the profit motive has captured its attention and it’s primary focus has been on generating ever increasing consumer demand through the attractiveness of complex and expensive technology. We are caught within the level of our lower senses wanting every day to be satiated by more and more visual and auditory excitement. We have been mesmerized and brain washed into buying the latest and greatest short lived consumer goods rather than being consoled and encouraged about our true place in the world and our proper role in it.

We were not meant to be merely consumers and enjoyers who in our free time look for ways to escape our ever increasing fast paced and stressful world. Instead, we are human beings in possession of a heart and a soul and who are capable of great caring, deep compassion, a natural tendency for joyfulness, and the need to realize those qualities on a regular basis. The problem is that we have forgotten who we really are and have fallen asleep while the seductive materialistic forces have covered over our identity and true potential.

As a result, the world today is at a serious impasse. Either enough of us awaken and become capable of creating a new and positive future or our current approach to life will for sure lead us into a full and complete destruction. We are at a stage where humanity is in a terrible need of a living and vibrant embodiment of the truth that must descend and become commonplace upon earth and work its way into the daily lives and hearts of our people. Unfortunately, our access to a massive array of large scale weapons of mass destruction reveals our lack of consciousness and is a glaring proof that we have lost our way through life and don’t have a clue as to its meaning and purpose.

The Sun lies at the center of the Earth’s annual voyage through space and without the energy and subtle qualities that the Sun bestows upon us, life upon Earth would be nonexistent. The Sun has for millennia been held by illumined beings as the symbolic center of Light and the symbol of Truth-Consciousness. This luminary of our solar system has ever been represented as the highest power of Divine Light in manifestation.
Scientists today can harness the same powerful solar energy in a controlled laboratory and do either great good through the creation of nuclear energy that can power and light our homes, or at the same time, they can use enriched uranium to build the most devastating and deadly weapons capable of eliminating all of life from the face of the Earth.
We have no way to know exactly how many nuclear weapons exist in the hands of the world’s nations. What is know, however, is that we simply do not have the consciousness to be able to possess nuclear weapons and use them wisely since their very existence, possession, or use by any nation illustrates our unfortunate blindness and disconnection from our Source.
This interest in the energy of the Sun is also an indication of the rise of a new Gnostic consciousness that is beginning to make itself felt in the affairs of mankind. Along with the ability to create monstrous weapons also comes the ability to tap into incredible power – power that can be harnessed for tremendous good.
We need to go back and closely look at our old consciousness and how we’ve tapped into the greatest potential form of power that we will ever hold and how we’ve misused it. Only by realizing that our prior actions can only lead to total and complete destruction will we be able to develop the consciousness to head in another direction.
We must learn to maintain the utmost care and integrity that is required to be a custodian of such incredible power, and to be able to do that, a new consciousness must emerge that no longer views life in terms of scientific or spiritual, one in isolation of the other. Rather, the new power of “seeing” that is waiting to emerge is that of the light of a truth consciousness which is a required tool needed to create a new Gnostic being and Gnostic society.
Through the discoveries of science and the language that developed from them, we have sought to explain the how of our creation and its preservation and even ultimate destruction and dissolution. Science, however, has not plunged into the investigation of THE WHY. This is what separates scientific from metaphysical thought.
As I’ve already shared earlier, the lack of a significant answer to the question of the purpose of existence is at the very core of humanity’s current unbearable unrest as we stand at the gateway of the beginning of the 21st century. We know deep down underneath that tremendous change is coming yet we cling to our old ways as a means to protect ourselves. That is no longer possible and we will all be asked to surrender almost everything to be able to begin anew and move in a proper and better direction.
Science has done very well for us and has come up with an incredible story to tell of the how of life and has harnessed many of its secrets. What has failed us in its rise to power was a corresponding rise in the findings of the spiritual world. From a scientific viewpoint, many solutions can be invented to help us through the challenges of the coming transitional period. However, if we do not change and heal our relationships with each other and our planet and adopt a vision of the wholeness and the inter-relatedness of all things, we will not be able to make responsible or even valid choices.
At the core of life lies a Purposiveness that is using us as its vehicle for the accomplishment of what it is seeking. We are not here on Earth just for our own personal or collective gratification. Rather, we are divinely birthed and divinely designed containers of a consciousness whose very purpose is directly tied to the evolutionary Process whose solitary goal is to fulfill what it is that the Purposiveness is seeking.
We hold within our individual and group souls the seed of that original consciousness which will work through us consciously if we allow it. This is what the key challenge of The Crossroads is all about. This is what we must accomplish individually and collectively to successfully make it through the coming transitional period.
How will the rise of a new society be protected from the aggression of antagonistic forces that are still very much in power and in charge of our current reality? This budding new seed of consciousness must be assured a protection and even if the old world is to be carried away by a nuclear tragedy, the new seed must find its place in the center or eye of a hurricane, where there is peace, where it can remain unaffected by any great catastrophe. It is in fact the unveiling of this seed of truth consciousness that will become the inner substance for a complete and total transformation – a peeling off of many layers of ignorance until the inner light of Truth is unveiled – a true and authentic “seeing”.
The time has arrived for the growth of the seed to begin and for the quickening to take place, and to do so, this very seed must generate a force from within its core which has a sufficient power to pry open the layers that have long been covering over our human consciousness. It must bring back our archetypal memory of life as it truly is and start its upward rise. It must allow the caving in of our old society, the Old Earth, and become active in the hearts and minds of those people whose very task is to help it more speedily complete the Goal of the Divine Will.
When man is able to widen and deepen and heighten his consciousness through gaining access to the fundamental truth and the why of life, he will become capable of perceiving the simultaneous Whole. When he also realizes that it is not possible for him to escape the transformation that is being required and that he must plunge deeper into it to gain access to truths contained in its experience and exploration, he will then and only then find himself on the road toward the formation of a new Gnostic consciousness, one that leads to true Immortality.
When he begins to live in the consciousness of the One and the Many and to live the simultaneous reality of the spiritual and the physical, he will be well established on his destined path as a co-creator in partnership with the underlying Purposiveness.
The entire evolutionary process on Earth is nothing more than a field for the play of consciousness. The entire manifestation is nothing but Consciousness in crystallized form and this critical knowledge will eventually work its way into our scientific understanding. The outward forms in our reality are invariably a product of the seed consciousness.
The various kingdoms of life are nothing more than forms able to contain a greater urge of this consciousness than lower species in the evolutionary development. One day, science will peel off all of the layers of ignorance through its probing into matter and energy and ultimately will uncover this Seed, which is the true indivisible One from which all else has risen.
However, we do not need to wait for science to prove this. We can know and intuit and bring this understanding into the affairs of world right now. This is the purpose of The Crossroads and a moment when our inner voice must take precedence over our rational logical thought. To do this, there are a number of key steps that must be taken and a reasonable preparation must occur for realization of the ultimate moment of “seeing” and understanding.
That is the goal of the work that I’m sharing with you and my intent is to bring you to this very moment of “ first seeing” – so you can truly “see” and begin your own critical participation in this overall process. I will conclude this chapter by outlining the a few of the various steps involved in this process. But before I do, I will continue for awhile to help set the stage to encourage and motivate you to become more deeply involved.
The original Seed of consciousness can be considered that of the Transcendent Divine which is omnipresent and is the pivot upon which the cosmic manifestation of Nature gives form to this seed. Nature in Her brilliance reveals the infinite variety that can be achieved through the evolutionary process but always in the end, her world of forms are the product of the seed of the Divine.
The whole of manifestation is Her offering of love to the Divine, and as such, Love is the comprehensive reality of the universe, particularly here upon Earth within the hearts and minds of humankind which is the highest form capable of relating to this type of Love.
Within the evolution of the plant, animal, and human kingdoms, we find an underlying attempt to refine each form and a constant seeking for some better means to objectify the original Seed. We can conclude that evolution on Earth has a Purpose that is seeking to ultimately produce a species which will be the most perfect form of the inherent indwelling Divine Seed. We can also deduce that form is nothing other than the evolution of that seed and is equal to it in all ways. The human being currently is the highest and most refined attempt so far in our Earthly realm but there is more in store that currently we know not of.
Our evolution has been a tool and means for expressing the creative process of the Divine, and our wars, our strife, all of the things that have been positive as well as destructive have all been but a means for the manifestation of the Divine Truth and an expansion of the Divine Seed. Unfortunately, destruction has often been the quicker way to bring us more powerfully to the Goal. The transitional time that we are just now beginning to go through will probably use that destructive process often to get through The Turn as quickly as is possible since at this critical bifurcation point in time, quickening is a tool used to bring about the necessary momentum that will assure widespread individual surrender.
This will be difficult for those who do not know of this process and who do not understand the ideal future direction for life. It will be a time of fear and pain and suffering yet if we learn to surrender and let go, we will be able to find peace in its movement and the transition will be so much easier to go through. In the end, the Divine Consciousness is seeking a greater expansion, not a lesser, and the prophesied Golden Age will emerge if we allow it. If we don’t we may need to start all over again and go through millions of years of re-establishing life and its evolutionary process.
The descent of a new race of beings must somehow occur within the current structure of cosmic laws, and the process of transition from the old to the new must take place as an organic and harmonious birthing from within a present reality that is already established. The old civilization because it is dominate must furnish the means (even if it is unknowingly) so we can build a bridge and move toward our new collective life. As expected, because this is a critical and highly focused transitional time, we see around us today the forces of destruction and negation which will provide the power through which rapid change is to be brought about.
The destined rise of a new higher consciousness must find its channel for manifesting in matter and its consciousness must find a means whereby to express itself in matter and provide the physical vehicle for this birth. Such a rise will ultimately result in a center, first a few people and then gradually a city which will become a reflection of this newly manifested Soul and a blueprint for others to emulate.
As in the past at the beginning of the birth of any new age, an initial core group upon the planet served to house the new descending light and became like a cell which then divides and sends parts of its original self to the four corners of the Earth so that a universal transformation can become a true reality. In the beginning, this is an isolated experience because if it wasn’t and if it was more prominent and visible, the Old Earth would destroy the new seed.
For the new to establish itself it must first remain securely closed within its own walls, within the confines of its cellular membrane, and when maturity is reach, the division and subdivision can then safely begin. Until that time, the transformation is an extremely difficult and delicate process – one that must be approached with great care and reverence.
I share this with you now because as I outline the steps that need to be taken to create a new Gnostic Society, you can begin to appreciate the need for great sensitivity when discussing and thinking about this material. Without the body of knowledge that you will acquire in this material, you will not be able to form a foundation that will allow you to unlock the door and utilize the cosmology for it’s intended benefit and ultimate purpose.
What Is Required To Successfully Make It Through the Transitional Period of the Turn?
The first step is to acquire true archetypal knowledge that accurately describes the Process of evolution and the resulting unfolding of life. Gaining access to a foundation of truth essence knowledge will enable us to “see” the true authentic future that awaits us rather than a perversion of that truth that will take us in other directions. Through possession of this knowledge, a new language of evolution will emerge and through using this language, we will be able to collectively hold, nurture, and expand the same Vision.
Of a multitude of many possible paths and directions, there is only One that is ideal. This is the path that we must identify and to do so requires a developed approach that holds a consciousness of unity based upon a comprehensive vision of the individual elements that make up its body of wholeness. Unity does not exist apart from the multiplicity since its very presence implies the existence of the multiple.
By gaining access to the proper archetypal knowledge we will be able to eventually “see” based upon a vision of interrelatedness, of relationships within the whole, and of a harmony of elements which by their true nature give rise to a perfect Totality. A person with an underdeveloped ability to see looks only at his own environment and himself. A person “seeing” from a consciousness of unity includes and extends his “seeing” to the solar system and beyond.
Our sages and visionaries of past times viewed life as part of this greater whole and were particularly aware of the movement of our surrounding planets and stars and how they related to life upon Earth. Modern man rarely takes the time to look up and even realize that the stars and planets are there and is rarely aware of the movement of the most obvious bodies, the Moon and the Sun. He is so caught up in his own personal drama that for him, his circle of reference is so very small and incomplete.
It is very difficult today for us to be able to authentically and truly “see” because our world is ruled by the mental consciousness on a collective level and as such our entire existence is plagued by a speculative rather than authentic consciousness. If we are to truly “see”, our experience must occur in a manner which eliminates all question of speculation. It must establish itself upon a foundation of invincible knowledge and this knowledge must be able to hold its own both in the scientific as well as spiritual realms on a simultaneous basis.
Knowledge is knowing and if through it we become able to truly “see” it must emerge in a format that is perceptible to all people and result in an experience that we can all partake of.
Through the cosmology of the Mother’s Temple and the foundation of knowledge that we will create within this work, you will be able to transcend the speculative mind which can only see in a concrete and objective way. By first receiving the required preparatory knowledge, you then will be prepared to hold the cosmology of The Mother’s Temple in your mind and in your heart and express the realities of a plane of consciousness that transcends your own, yet in a manner that allows the necessary “seeing” and translation back into its inclusion in daily life upon Earth.
In the balance of this work, I will guide you through this preparation process. As you learn the basics that are involved, you will be studying the Manifestation Process itself. You will see in many different ways how to touch the stages that this process goes through and when presented with a pure vision of unity, you will be able to gather and form for yourself the answer to the question that we all need to ask – the why of life – and then proceed to powerfully bring it into existence.
The time has come when the race as a whole is being given access to knowledge which in the past was reserved only for the ancient spiritual elite. This is a sign that mankind is on the verge of a collective birth and a transformation period where he is being asked to become a more perfected species. If previously hidden truths are handed to man it is because he must now become responsible and act in accordance with this greater knowledge.
As part of your initiatory preparation, I am asking you now to consider building a new bridge between the left and right sides of your brain so you can extend your current capabilities so the right side surfaces, emerges within your daily life, and eventually becomes dominant.
The goal is to be able to guide your life from your intuitive right side oriented “inner voice” and to order the knowledge that comes through it using your left brain logical linear apparatus. It is the harmonizing of life between both sides that we have as our goal while giving the cerebral right side of the brain a position of leadership so it can become the source for our future desiring.
From this new balanced position, we can then use our heart to evaluate all actions and become the source for all potential choices. This re-orientation is just the opposite of today’s Western approach to life. It is more in alignment with past primitive societies and Eastern philosophy which developed the right brain to a much higher degree than we have done today. In your case, however, you will be using both sides powerfully not giving up either one.
The visualization exercise that I share in a latter lesson is the simplest and most direct way to build this bridge. This technique is designed to balance the mental and emotional energies to enable you to operate at your most effective level. Within each of us there is a tremendous inner urge to express the full extent of our greatest potential.
This daily visualization exercise peels away the limitations that prevent you from that full self-expression by brining your mental and emotional energies into harmonious alignment. It has been discovered that at least 99 percent of humanity has a serious lack of balance between their mental and the emotional capabilities. What this means is that hardly anyone is living up to the potential they innately sense is available to them, and this lack of balance is the cause of a large number of discomforts that we all share as individuals and in our relationships in our world.
Sages have taught that we cannot improve the world until we make corrections at the source – in ourselves. With an emotional capability far below what it should be, an individual often feels unhappy, frustrated, incomplete, aimless, restless, under some form of stress, unable to find their purpose in life, and out of step with their intentions.
A high percentage are limited by emotional patterns that emerge which include anger, guilt, fear, self-doubt, panic, worry, impatience, resentment, and a lack of self-esteem. Far too many people see the world through the distorted emotional perceptions that prevent clear understanding. The thinking, planning, and overall effectiveness of an individual is seriously impaired by this distorted perception.
Unbalanced individuals regularly experience a great deal of frustration as they find themselves unable to manifest their intentions and actions as they desire or are led. All their relationships, including social, business, career, and professional suffer from their lack of balance.
If you eventually desire to become an empowered member of the new emerging Gnostic society, you will need to work on these limitations or the knowledge that you will acquire will be vastly underutilized. This is the key reason that the Visual Balancing Program has been made part of this course and I place great emphasis on it. No one can tell you what to do. But I do ask that you seriously consider participating and performing the daily exercise. You are the one to benefit, but it isn’t just you.
The entire world is waiting for new leadership and the difficulties and negative aspects that are still very much alive in the Old Earth consciousness will do everything that they can to prevent you from succeeding. We need every bit of strength and advantage to become a members of a new society. I don’t know of any other technique that accomplishes so much, so quickly, and in such a pleasant manner.
3. THE SURRENDER: “You have a right to your actions, but never to your actions fruits. Act for the actions sake. And do not be attached to inaction.”
The above sentence is a translation from the Bhagavad-Gita where God instructs his disciple Arjuna in the way of life. To form a society based upon Oneness and not separateness, this instruction becomes very meaningful. Another way of looking at this comment is to consider that it is the journey on the way to getting there that is most rewarding, not the actual getting there that counts. And in that vein, it is the process of creating that provides ultimate joy, not just the object of creation. The fruits pale in comparison and don’t come close to the joy derived from the trip, the journey.
Do not stop the flow of your actions for if you stop to focus on the fruits and try to possess them, you will break your momentum and interrupt your flow and connection with the Divine spark that is inspiring you. Be a clear channel and allow Divine Desire to move through your life and replace the desires of your small self. Become an extremely creative person guided by the voice within.
The person who thinks the fruits result from his or her activities does not see the Light or understand the Oneness of humanity and life upon earth. Everything is but a crystallization of the Spirit within us that creates so our best way of living life is just to let go and to allow it to take us.
Listen to that Divine voice within you. Allow it to guide you. Do not let your little self judge whether the results are good or bad. The results really are not yours but rather belong to the Divine. Let go. Surrender and begin to expand your life and your effectiveness in the evolutionary process. Become a solid and clear channel and have faith that the voice within will never ask you to do anything that you are not already well prepared for.
The transitional time that we are now within that is being called The Turn is this very surrender that I share above. It is where humanity is being asked to shift it’s center. It where we individually learn to surface our inner voice of intuition and to gain the faith and strength to act upon whatever it brings through. When we make this surrender, we also change the nature of our desiring. Instead of our ego and our mind deciding what it is that we want, we allow our inner voice and Divine Desire to come through us and use us as a channel for its expression. This simple process is one of spiritual self-transformation.
Ever since man has been on the face of the earth, this awakening has existed in the minds and in the hearts of all people. But it hasn’t been until the current singular bifurcation point in time that everyone on earth is close enough in consciousness to begin moving into the Turn to make this Grand Surrender. It is this very shift that allows a Gnostic society to come into existence and it is this very shift that you and I and others will begin witnessing in other people all around us as collectively we try to come together to make life upon Earth what it was meant to be.
It will be a combination of the underlying knowledge that I will share with you in this course and your personal progress gained through the daily visualization exercise that will prompt you to go through your own surrender and personal transformation. Many of us have been working for years acquiring the interest and the temperament and the knowledge to do this in a powerful way. Finally, the timing of evolution itself, is asking us to do this in such a way that we never look back and only into the future as directed from within.
People will be presented with such a choice in the coming years. Those who choose not to make this Surrender will proceed through the remainder of their lives clinging on to the ways of the Old Earth. For them, life will become a struggle and pain and suffering real. For those who choose the new way, life will become increasingly more and more fulfilling as challenges are seen as part of a harmonious whole and the process of creating something greater than what has ever been created before.
The goal of this course is to help you to build a foundation of knowledge that will enable you to “see” the universe as it really is. Once you have gained access to the body of knowledge I’m sharing and have created this essential ability to “see”, you will be able to utilize the3 dimensional cosmology of The Mother’s Temple (a movement of consciousness through time) as a guide and a roadmap to create a future in alignment with the Purposiveness that lies behind all of creation. This and the mental and emotional strength and balancing derived from the Visualization Balancing Program will allow you to one day, “see” the wire-frame of the universe and utilize it correctly.
To gain access to the Mothers Temple Course and cosmology that I will share there, a sincere and complete surrender is required and must be voluntary and be done from a position of knowing what is right. To view and use the Mother’s Temple cosmology correctly is to be in communion with the Purposiveness of creation and this will provide you with the faith to become a conscious and powerful co-creator.
To properly prepare for this responsibility and to position yourself correctly, you first will need to fully open your intuitive center, the true voice within that can guide you. This connection is absolutely required to access and use the ultimate knowledge contained within the cosmology.
As you and others are building your base of knowledge and opening your intuitive centers, a group will be forming that will create an overall vision for the future, one that encompasses knowledge of all of the adverse forces that are interacting upon Earth and utilizes this new knowledge to come up with a futuristic plan for society. The initial vision that begins this process will be shared later in this book.
This website has been formed to begin the process to be able to create a center for the seeding of concepts, ideas, and prototypes that will benefit future generations. The key quality for this organization is that it will last for more than the lifetimes of several generations of people and be able to take the initial vision that I’m sharing here and to allow it to grow and expand and to become funded to help promote this future vision in the best ways possible. I will provide more about this later in this course but for now I will leave this concept with you as a possibility for your own exploration.

Life will be changing dramatically as time goes on and survival will become our focus. Right now, everyone is confused so even thinking about where to live and what to live in is not our priority. However, given time, it will become important. If you are an adept future pioneer and one that now has access to the knowledge that I’ve shared, thinking about building a new home correctly (from scratch) should be one of the things you focus upon.

What if we created much more ergonomic space, with a much greater subtle energetic essence, and laid out or homes and our cities so that a much higher quality of life is achievable than today. As we downsize our space and as we design every cubic inch to work as hard as possible, we also use much higher quality materials that we might have afforded in the past.
If our buildings can last for 1000 years, we are leaving a legacy for generations of other people. Why not invest in materials that can last, and have integrity, and give back joy through their use and inclusion? Along with energy efficiency and many other environmental considerations, we are able to create a simpler yet richer life while focusing our attention on our innate creativity, craftsmanship, and ultimately beauty. There is a way of the future that will inspire both our hearts and our minds and through integral living will be a product of our new Gnostic Society.
More about this will be shared later on.
More about this later in this course.