Take out the sheet of paper that you last worked on when you began this course and begin to re-write the descriptions you entered for the following two questions.
You now have a couple of ways to work with your answers and are learning a bit more about yourself. I’ve added the beliefs and values sections as well as other material to this expansion once you have a chance to work with it, your beliefs should initially be changing.
Now add a 3rd question to this list:
This 3rd question needs to be answered before you can come up with good answers for your first two questions.
This is the hardest question to answer and is why I took 7 full time years out of my life to find the answers. I spent most of my time trying to answer the third question. The answer to that 3rd question will be provided in my next course, The Arc of Creation, and its answer is that you need to make progress before trying to answer the first two questions.
The Arc of Creation course will also help you to figure out what you came here to do with your life and help you to provide answers for these two questions. This 2nd course is absolutely mandatory to help you make a full and complete change.
The 1st course that you’re currently enrolled in should interest you in being able to begin to answer the first question – WHO AM I? The next course will continue that discussion (about Who Am I?) and you will end up with good answers for all 3 questions by the end of the 2nd course.
You can only do so much to obtain correct answers to these first two questions. To answer them accurately you must find out how the universe works and why it works as it does. Without doing that you will not be able to know why you’ve come here to Earth at this time and you won’t be able to figure out either who you really are. The need to answer this 3rd question isn’t obvious and only will occur to you when you begin working on the first two questions. You’ll gradually realize that obtaining this answer is absolutely necessary.
By the end of the next course, The Arc of Creation, I will have shared enough knowledge so you can answer all 3 questions well (completing the work to answer Who Am I in course #1) and continue to work on “fine tuning” who you really are and what you came here to do with your life.
For now, review the items listed below and complete what I’m sharing in this course as best you can. I hope to see you in the next course. The work you do here is absolutely necessary for your success in the 2nd course and is a preliminary requrement you need to complete before enrolling in the next Arc of Creation course. Take your time and try to enjoy the process. It is rewarding.
Here are the items that you learned within this course and can now use to further refine the question – Who Am I?
- I’ve shared your various energetic centers of consciousness.
- I’ve shared how your conditioning has evolved.
- I’ve shared a process that will help you to change your beliefs.
- I’m providing a belief worksheet that you can download and use it to begin your work. Use this worksheet to help brainstorm some of the areas that you might want to change. The ones I’m providing are the most common for the majority of people and a good starting point.
- I’ve shared a process that you can use to list your values. These change as your beliefs change.
- I shared a stress quiz to help measure the amount of stress that you’re incurring as a result of your choices that you make based on your belief system and the resulting values you hold. You can only take this quiz one time in this free course. It is offered again in my paid course, The Arc of Creation and you can take it as many times as you like within that course. Thing this quiz is an excellent way to determine if you’re making progress and this can be measured by a decrease in stress.
- I’ve shared your need to further develop and refine your intuitive capabilities.
- I’ve shared your need to reduce the effect your ego has on your life.
- I’ve shared how the amount of money you desire is either positive or negative depending upon your personal goals. Take your time to allow this information to sink in and make sense – FOR YOU.
- If you learn how to make the above transitions well and if you continue on to access the knowledge that I’m sharing in the next two courses, you’ll learn a lot. If you then use this knowledge to further develop yourself in a positive manner, you’ll end up as a “leader” rather than a follower. The leaders that come out of this process will become rich beyond their wildest imagination. Riches not just in money but through living a balanced life that is ultimately fulfilling. That is a rare accomplishment and one that I would like to encourage for all course members.
Being able to know what you came here to do with your life and how and why the universe works as it does will be covered in the next course, The Arc of Creation. In course #1, you’re working on defining Who You Are right now. Take your time and see if you can write a good summary to begin your adventure.
This isn’t easy to do and you need to consider how you’ve been conditioned and what it is that makes up the “real you”. Each of us is different and each of us has a different thinking style that also affects how we make positive changes. Do not be tough on yourself but rather, give yourself plenty of freedom to explore and to eventually know for certain Who You Really Are?
You are more than what others have conditioned you into believing. That is what I want you to realize. In fact, you are an incredible person who has many positive traits. Maybe what you’ve been living is your reaction to what others want you to be even if that’s a loser. To be honest, people are afraid of someone breaking out and doing better than they did. You are not a loser. You are a winner in every way. Accept that and set your personal goals for positive change. That is what this course represents and this is a chance to get things right and start making some necessary changes that will allow you to become who you really are deep inside.