2.22 Why You Need To Become A Visionary (Take The Quiz In The Next Lesson)
Rich people think differently than the average person.
Steve Jobs
Become A Visionary
Learn how to accurately predict the future and then place yourself in its most productive path. To do this, you will need solid access to your power of intuition. If you grew up in the “Western world” it isn’t well developed and you won’t be able to predict very well, Your intuition capabilities are pretty much undeveloped.
If you learn how to use intuition to guide your life, you will end up able to make it through this lengthy unfolding period that I call The Turn. This is a period of time that will be filled with massive pain and suffering and will last throughout the remainder of this century. With intuition guiding you, you will not only lead a much more productive life but secondarily will also be helping others who are less aware.
In the past, people paid dearly for material possession and sensual gratification. In the future, they will pay even more to avoid massive pain and suffering.
Your reward for being in a leadership position will be that of great riches beyond anything anyone has experienced before. Riches that go well beyond just the accumulation of money.
You also will be able to sidestep becoming one of the many casualties of this extreme weeding out process. We have built our global systems upon a foundation that no longer is valid and Nature will do as it always has in the past – it will collapse what does not work and encourage change to bring in what does!
Rome rose and fell and so did many other great past civilizations. Our current economic approach to life and our legal system that supports it (by making actions legal and far from moral) will also will give way to something else. That something else can be productive or it can be just another experiment that rises and falls as have all of the others. If we can define (out of a multitude of possible choices) our most ideal future path, we will be able to avoid considerable future pain and suffering. If we can do this, we can more efficiently get on with what being human is all about.
We were not placed upon this Earth just to become extreme enjoyers. We are here instead to support what the underlying evolutionary process is asking for. It has an ultimate goal in mind. Unfortunately, we don’t have a clue as to what it is or even that it exists because of the way society treats us. It’s high time that we figure this out and do our best to become productive supporters of this evolutionary process. If we do, we will expand our own lives in a positive way since the support is already there for us to do this. If we fight against it, we will only make our pain and suffering much worse, and become one of the casualties of change.
A ship without a rudder will never get to its destination. Even more important, a ship without a destination can never begin the journey. It’s the journey that provides the greatest fulfillment not the destination.
The destination is only a means to direct the journey. It really is the ultimate goal and the getting there is what counts. How you make the journey and how accurately you become who you truly are in the process will determine the extent of the riches that you will enjoy and the pain and suffering that you avoid.
A true visionary who learns how to see the future, how to choose its most ideal path, and then places him or herself in its evolutionary path cannot but help to become sincerely fulfilled with riches of all kinds.
These are times of extreme change filled with tremendous pain and suffering for many and at the same time an opportunity for those few who can become visionaries and help bring in the necessary future change!
The world is a mess and its coming apart fast. All of our traditional systems are being challenged and our most sacred belief systems are no longer holding sway for the masses of our population. What has been promised to us is not materializing. In fact, the material riches going to the masses who were promised them are now disappearing and they are becoming poorer by the year. The middle class in America is disappearing and its its place looms the great possibility of extreme poverty for a large number of people and a total breakdown in our top heavy government controlled social systems. When these collapse, all hell will break loose.
In spite of these extreme challenges, however, this is one of the greatest times where we can learn where we should head as a group. When we do, we can re-orchestrate daily living to enjoy much more productive and fulfilling lives than prior generations had available to them. This is an extremely creative role to play and those who do well in this position will be rewarded beyond belief.
To survive in our future world, you do need to become a true visionary – a person who not only can forsee the future but also understand how and why it will unfold and accept that this whole break down the massive world change that will be occurring is perfectly natural and a part of the evolution of human consciousness. The gateway of this unravelling has been very visible now for several decades and is now becoming prominent in the daily news of our masses.
In reality, there is no God created pain in this world. Rather, it is the failing of our human consciousness while hanging on to faulty belief systems that holds us back. It is our attachments that we create without knowing our true place in the world. This is what is hurting us most. Also, our global society has been allowed to expand beyond the Earth’s ability to sustain it and this will change and many lives will be lost.
There is no sane reason why we should be heading toward 10 billion people walking the Earth. We are in that position because of the folly of those at the top needing a constant supply of consumers that has created this problem. And it isn’t really this large population’s fault. Rather its part of the process set in motion for our individual and joint evolution here on earth. We are exactly where we should be and are now challenged to make a substantial Turn in the right direction.
This population explosion that we now have was allowed to happen because of our seeing people as economic units. The more economic units that existed, the bigger our global economies could grow. Greed is the single most powerful force on the planet today and the entire free enterprise system allows for massive profit seeking without consideration for the chain of causation leading to the creation of every good and service.
Yes, this economic approach to life has provided tremendous material wealth for a small number of people. But . . . it also created a major problem for our continued survival as a world population and human race. We cannot keep growing, we cannot keep adding to our multi billion person population, and we cannot keep throwing the waste from our consumption back into our environment. As we do this, every natural support system will be challenged and eventually be forced to fail.
Please realize that Great Change comes through experiencing pain and suffering, not from comfort and sensual gratification. We need to become uncomfortable to effect necessary change and that is what the 21st Century is all about. It is a period of time where everything will be torn apart and eventually replaced with a whole new way of approaching life.
We cannot rebuild today. All that we can do is understand the future, create a vision of our most ideal path, and then develop a vision and a gameplay for its eventual manifestation. Those who become instruments and leaders in this process will become incredibly rich – richer than the richest people from all of our past economic expansions.
Start with the enjoyable process of understanding Who You Truly Are. Work through all of the exercises I’m providing to find out more about who you really are. Take this visionary quiz and find out if you are using your intuition well or not. If you develop your visionary intuitive powers, consider joining me as a future visionary and an architect for future generations.
As you build your own solid knowledge base and understand how to truly see the future ahead of its arrival, you’ll also learn how to acquire the necessary tools to understand who you truly are, how to uncover what your most ideal destiny and role should be, and how to most productively place yourself in evolution’s future path.
As we attract enough people who learn how to see themselves clearly and then begin to expand and blossom into these new roles, we will be able to uncover and embrace the most ideal future vision that exists for the evolution of our global society.
Our goal today is primarily to learn, to see (to use our intuitive voice to guide us), and then to plant seeds for future generations. If we do this well, we personally will be able to sidestep considerable massive pain and suffering while it goes through its lengthy unwinding process. We will not be able to save our old consciousness. So don’t even try.
Your reward for making this needed move will be to enjoy life fully, to fulfill your personal destiny, and to become nurtured by the process. A successful visionary will become incredibly rich by the end of his or her lifetime. Not riches of money alone but riches that extend well beyond death and are able to survive way beyond the expiry of the physical body.
Begin by taking the following Visionary Quiz to find out how visionary you are currently. As you progress through this course, I’ll share a body of knowledge that ultimately will allow you to become a superior visionary type. Guided by your inner voice of intuition, you’ll end up approaching the world from a completely different viewpoint. No longer will money be the key method to evaluate your worth. Rather, the level of creativity that you can express will be the real future value of your soul.
Go ahead!
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Your score and an interpretation of what it means will follow the 20 brief questions that are asked.