Free Mini Course Lesson #5 – How Can You Find Your Life’s Purpose & Receive True Fulfillment? Is It Even Possible?

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”

Robert Byrne / Author


Until I went on my 7-year journey, I would say that it would be very unlikely that you would ever discover how to uncover your life’s true purpose or fulfill your destiny. There was way too much unknown and no one had a good way to break through this impasse. They were occupied with accumulating material possessions and satisfying their sense gratification goals.

Following your life’s true purpose would then be reserved for a tiny few and even they wouldn’t pursue their paths in a direct way. They were unwilling to give up their established lives to find something else that might now ever be discovered. Receiving true fulfillment would be a very difficult thing to do if even possible.

However, now that I’ve completed my own journey, I’ve thought about what I’ve uncovered and how to share what I now know with others who are interested in this same goal. Without your being in a position of pain and suffering, however, you probably wouldn’t change and my sharing these findings would have been in vain.

Finally, with the uncertainty that now exists in the world today, that possibility now exists. That possibility is just getting started and I’m now at the end of my life without many more years to share what I know. I won’t be here long enough to see this unfold. However, I can begin this movement and that is what I’m now doing.

As a group, we are not yet in a position of enough great pain and suffering to make adequate change. Instead, we are at the beginning of that process and gradually we’ll experience the pain and suffering that is needed as the remainder of this century unfolds. This new period of time (that I call The Turn) is a period when confusion will reign free as people are dragged kicking and screaming toward leading their lives from their intuition (the voice of The Purposiveness) rather than from their own logic and reason.

You (and I through this work) can do something about this future direction even now. If we waited until society at large was suffering a great deal, it might be too late to do much about it. This is the time when a few future leaders will accept the approach that I’m recommending and I’m now sharing what I know for the benefit of those people.

If you are one of them, excellent. If you don’t have a clue but are attracted to the work that I’m doing, great. Ideally, you will use what I share with you and expand upon it over time. That is my hope and is the way that humanity progresses.

I’m a pioneer who sits out there barely visible to society and comes back (with many arrows in his back) tells them what is coming and then goes back out to receive more. That’s what I do. I’m sharing what I received during the times that I have been “out there” and probably invisible to most people.

We are not in this difficult position by accident. This is a singular bifurcation point in the evolution of the human race and a real-time period that I call “The Turn”.

The Turn has been coming for a very long period of time and if you had access to the wireframe that I’ll share in my 3rd Course, you’ll be able to see the natural unfoldment of this process. It is real. It is true. It does exist. And it is how life evolves. Yes, this evolutionary process is exactly how we progress and develop and it is not created by chance or faith or belief that a few have promoted for the masses. Pain and suffering are what precede and accompany all great change for society’s benefit and are a natural occurrence.

Every great society that has existed in the past has folded and been replaced by a new one that was created by the movement of this process.

Become one of the individuals who stand out from the group and learn how to free yourself from your conditioning and group think that has caused you to become “one of the sheep”. You are much more than that and YES . . .

. . . it is possible and actually natural for you to uncover your life’s purpose and to receive true fulfillment during your lifetime.

How do you do that?

Enroll in my 3 courses that follow this mini course and . . .

Learn How To Become Who You Came Here To Be